Expert Determinations On Time With Superior Quality

Our panel of experienced physician reviewers provide quality external reviews, determinations of medical necessity, causality as well as addressing issues of treatment plans and medication regimen appropriateness. We provide well written reports with clear, concise, supportable, and justifiable rationales.

Our physicians work from a central scheduling unit that ensures all reviews are completed timely within the parameters required for each review. We streamline the process for our clients by actively communicating reviewer availability, applying client specific protocols, while managing each case with a dedicated team to be returned within the allotted time frame for our clients. Our management team is readily available to address and ensure our client needs are met.

Premier Management & Review Solutions provides a simple one click or one call solution.

We are your review solution!

Reviewers - Let us manage your reviews and make life a little easier on you. We take out all of the administrative duties so you can focus on the important aspects of the case and claimants recovery.